Friday, October 29, 2010

"Rohnert Park"-Ceremony

Okay if you don't like this album fuck you. There's a kid on a fucking skateboard in front of a dumpy little surburban home with an American flag and he's got on what is quite possibly a Minor Threat hoodie. In all seriousness, this time around Ceremony is serious business. They've upgraded from "surprisingly good opener" to "surprisingly creative and original hardcore." It is at the same time a vehicle for 80's DC nostalgia and an interesting take on the sound of modern hardcore bands like Trash Talk. From the opener "Into the Wayside Pt. 1/Sick" Ceremony makes two things clear: they will push the boundaries of hardcore music, and lyrically they will hate on everything. Tying the album together nicely is the conceptual "Into the Wayside" songs, pt. 1 and 3 bookending the album with pt. 2 adding some variance to the middle of the album. But it isn't really necessary; just take a look at the bluesy Boston-esque hardcore of the preceding song "Open Head" which has lyrics I would compare more to Richard Hell than to Ian Mackaye. This album made me super happy in that it was such an unhappy and angry album. Saucy's picks: Listen to the album straight through, and see what tracks appeal to you most. Trust me if you like hardcore you'll find something.

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