Friday, October 29, 2010

"I Was Trying To Describe You To Someone" and then my band split up

"Oh boy" says the casual reader of the WCWM Loud Rock blog, "He is reviewing one of Alternative Press's most anticipated albums of the year. This ain't metal." Well first off ain't ain't a word. Secondly it isn't metal, and yeah this is the music made by grown up scene kids and mall emos. That being said, it is actually really good, probably due in large part to producer Mike Sapone who has a knack for taking the immature angst of bands like Brand New and Taking Back Sunday and making something musically credible with it. The subjects and lyrics are also darker and more mature, and the highlights of the album are when this is embraced, such as the song "Drugwolf" rather than ballad-esque emoetry (emo+poetry, patent pending) of songs like "Young." Basically what I'm trying to say is the band does best when they realize they're more mature versions of Thrice than when they think they're Bright Eyes. Saucy's Picks: interesting intro with "Queue Moderns", "Drugwolf", and riff-tastic work on "Odalisque." P.S. Crime in Stereo has broken up, so you'll probably never get to hear this album live. Boosh.

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