Had never heard of these guys but glad Relapse sent'em my way. They're like a bottomless pit of despair, like drowning in a tar pit, and really good music (I'm guessing, I gotta pass a drug test so I can't check) to get stoned to. This music is evil as shit, the vocals sound like Satan's bedroom dirty talk and the guitarist sounds like he's trying to play metal but he can only play at 60 bpm because his arms are weighed down by snakes and flesh-eating scarabs. It is oddly sexy, but maybe that's just my unfulfilled wish to fuck someone while doom metal is playing in the background. Well I could expound upon my sexual fantasies or I could give you Saucy's picks: all the songs are good but immediately listen to the epic masterpiece "Black Cough. Black Coffin," I really hope they got this title track from the pun made by Alkaline Trio in the song "Blue in the Face" (about as likely as Appalachian Terror Unit doing a Skrewdriver cover). For fans of: Sleep.
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